“When I first saw the animation without sound, I had a feeling I was watching a scene from a utopian Sci-Fi. The music had to be intricate and majestic to capture this ecstatic moment.”

Superrare | Music NFT


Collaboration on a two piece Audio-Visual project with French 3D animator and artist Number41 released as an NFT on SuperRare.
The animations are Titled “Dive into the Light” and Dive into the Dark”.


Dive into the Light.

When I first saw the animation without sound, I got the feeling I was watching a scene from a utopian, science fiction piece - I wanted the music to be intricate and majestic and some how capture this ecstatic moment. From the outside, the object emits a pulse that lures you in. Once inside, you are met with a magnificent oscillating orb. One of the key threads between both the animations, is that they loop perfectly - hence the audio needed to follow an arc, whereby the sound had to resolve at the point of origin.


Dive into the Dark.

It’s a moodier piece as the name suggests - when I first saw it, I instantly had the sense of traveling deep inside an ancient temple - so the music and sound design needed to reflect this. The animations focus is around the rectangular cuboid - I imagined it to be an ancient alien artefact omitting otherworldly chants. As you move through the space I liked the idea of the chant fading away into the distance as you explore the space, only to be re-united upon returning to the main room.


Castrol | Original DNA Music | Sound Design


ASRIEL - Cinematic Album | Generative Art